You only need a high school diploma or GED to become a floral designer.
A floral designer is someone who arranges flowers into a variety of displays for events such as weddings, baby showers, proms, and birthdays.
There are associate and bachelor’s degrees that can help you become a floral designer. There are also certifications and classes you can take to learn more about floral design.
How to Become a Floral Designer
There are many different ways to become a floral designer.
Take Floral Design Classes
There are a variety of places that offer floral design classes. Local flower shops or online courses teach the basics of being a floral designer, basic composition, and design techniques. You will also learn about a career in floral design.
Look for classes that teach in a style of floral design you want to learn. If you’re going to open up a flower shop one day, there are also classes on the business aspects of a floral design career.
Learn on the Job at a Flower Shop
You can get a job at a flower shop if you have a high school diploma. Having a few qualifications makes it easier to get a position in the floral design industry and start gaining experience. Some floral designers never receive formal training. Candidates learn everything they need to help run a flower shop and be a floral designer.
Get a Degree or Certification in Floral Design
Many community colleges offer an associate’s degree in floral design or floriculture. A bachelor’s degree in horticulture will also be great for those that want to become floral designers. There are even certifications offered online from the American Institute of Floral Designers.
Read Floral Design Books
Countless floral design books include sections on how to become a floral designer. These books will also include information on different flowers, how to cultivate them, and how to piece them together to make beautiful displays.
Continue Training to Advance Your Career
Even if you already have a degree or certification, you can continue your training as a floral designer to advance your career. Get a different certification that is offered or take other floral design classes to learn new techniques. These further certifications will make you a more valuable job candidate.
Interested in a Career as a Floral Designer?
Stratford Career Institute offers a comprehensive floral designer course that can help you take your skills to the next level.
Our online course will teach you how to become a floral designer, with an emphasis on the following:
- Exploring Careers in the Retail Flower Business
- Principles of Design
- The History of Floral Design
- Design Elements and Guidelines
- Boutonniere and Corsages
- Holiday Arrangements and Constructing Wreaths
- Selection and Care of Indoor Plants
- How to Open and Operate a Successful Floral Business
- And more!
Want to Learn More about a Floral Designer Career?

Get started by signing up for our extensive online course!