Tips for Those Considering a Private Investigator Job
However, it is still good money and a good and important profession. In many cases, it is far less exciting than the entertainment industry can make it appear.
If you would like to become a private investigator, it’s not as complex as you may believe. The job requirements for becoming a private investigator in Canada are fairly simple to understand, and they are easy to achieve for most people.
Here are a few job requirements before you become a private investigator:
A Clean Criminal Record
This is not necessarily required in every area, but in order to become a private investigator, it is often a requirement that you have a clean criminal record.
That does not mean that you cannot have a ticket or two from driving your car around. It means that your record should be relatively free from any misdemeanors, and completely free from serious crimes and felonies.
Again, a criminal record may not necessarily be a disqualifying factor when it comes to getting a license to be a private investigator. However, it will make it much more difficult to be able to find a job in the field.
Some Education In Related Fields
If you’re looking to score a job as a private investigator, you’re going to need to have some education in a related field. If you don’t have any skills in tracking someone, or any understanding of the legal system, you’re likely to run into some difficulty finding a job as an investigator.
A few things that it may profit a private investigator to understand, including how to legally conduct surveillance, how to properly keep notes, and what is and is not legal for an investigator in your area.
In the long run, it may be best to seek an advanced education in criminal justice, accounting, internet technologies, and other areas of interest that will help with your job, but they are not always required to get your first job as a private investigator.
However, it is important to make sure that you have something that will attract an employer. If you don’t have education, then you will need a related background.
A Military Or Police Background (Optional)
According to surveys, around half of all private investigators have some sort of background in policing. One-fifth of all private investigators have a background in the military. Having a background in policing is a big plus when it comes to being a private investigator. Being a former police officer provides a great stepping stone to investigative work and can equip the average person with the knowledge they need in order to properly carry out specific duties.
A military background can also provide much of the same knowledge for a prospective PI.
Ability to Qualify For and Attain A Permit Or License
Depending on the state, you may need to get a permit or license. In some states, the business you work for will provide this permit. In others, you will need to attain your own.
If you cannot qualify for a permit or license, or you don’t want to pay for one, then this is not the field for you.
If you’re looking to learn more about being a private investigator, you can always take a course to help you not only prepare for the work but also to learn a bit more about what it will entail. Online schools like Stratford Career Institute offer such an education. It is also likely that a local school could also have courses that can help you learn more.
A new life as a private investigator awaits, so long as you can meet these simple requirements.
Want to Learn More about Becoming a PI?

Visit Stratford’s website and reach out for more information about Private Investigation courses!