Exploring the Difficulty of Online Classes
Some people take statements like ‘you can’t teach an old dog new tricks’ to heart, and believe that they will have a harder time going to school, even an online school, than they would have if they had taken the courses years ago.
So, if you’re wondering if online classes are hard, or harder than regular classes, or perhaps even easier than classes at your local college, read on. If you’re considering an online class and thinking to yourself ‘just how hard are online classes,’ this post will be of great interest to you.
Are The Classes Easy?
The best thing about online classes is the access to the learning material.
Imagine a class at a brick and mortar school, held in some giant auditorium, where a teacher can lecture for up to three hours on a particular topic.
Now imagine you’re sitting far in the back because you arrived late, and you can’t hear, or can barely hear, what this person has to say about the topic of their lecture.
You’re either going to spend the time getting partial notes, or not being able to hear well enough to take notes at all. Getting notes to copy or getting a repeat of the lecture in its entirety are often not an option.
Online, this problem doesn’t exist. If you didn’t quite get what the professor was talking about, you can watch (or listen to) their lecture again, and it’s not a problem. If you need to reread a particular passage from a handout, you can just go back to the handout’s page; no need to ask a classmate.
In this way, yes, they are somewhat easier.
Are They Hard?
This is not to discourage anyone who is considering online classes, whether through their local school or an online school like Stratford Career Institute, but in a way, they can be hard.
Specifically, in an online class, you have to be able to motivate yourself. You’re not taking the class at the same time as dozens of students, and there’s no professor in front of you who will show their disappointment if you do poorly, or if you don’t show up.
When you take classes on your own schedule, there’s always a temptation to put off work until the next day, or the next night. Life can get in the way, and if you’re not willing to dedicate yourself to the class, you can find that you didn’t get as much out of it as you hoped, simply because you took too long, or broke up the class over too long a period of time.
What Are The Benefits?
The benefit of an online class, such as being able to work at your own pace and being able to fit the coursework in around your own busy schedule and work, family, children, and other important facets of your life, is that you can do it when you want, and you don’t have to drive a long distance or show up to some classroom at a certain time on a certain day or days.
So, if you’re looking to learn a new skill, perhaps even to find yourself a new career, consider online learning, such as that offered by Stratford Career Institute. All it takes is a class to change everything.

Interested in exploring online learning options? Sign up for a course or request more information!