As the world becomes more automated with every passing day, knowledge of computers and their use becomes more important with every hour.
Being educated on how to properly use a computer can be the difference between being able to make a decent living and being unable to find employment in an ever-digitizing workspace.
However, for many people, sitting down and figuring out how to use a computer is a somewhat daunting task. While some people may be lucky enough to learn how to work the newest technologies or most recent version of Windows themselves, that may not be the process that works best for you.
So, if you’re looking to learn more about Windows 10, and about computers in general, then you may want to find some outside help to make sure you learn properly.
Here are just a few options that are open to you, and a few of the things that you should want them to cover.
Watch the Video: Learning Windows 10 and Computer Basics
Resources at Your Local Library
Many people in North America rarely, if ever, visit their local library. Truly, this is a shame, because that local library does a lot of good, and has a lot to offer, even for those who have all the books and magazines that they could possibly desire to peruse at home. Indeed, most libraries offer all sorts of classes.
Many libraries offer computer literacy classes that meet once or twice a week, generally for an hour or two at a time. These classes, which are offered at low prices or even for free, usually cover general topics without going very in-depth into the working of a computer.
If you are looking for a general introductory class learning the very basics of using Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office Suite, and/or Microsoft 365, these classes should be just fine.
Courses at Schools
Many local schools also offer courses that can help you to further your understanding of your computer and Microsoft products in current use today.
These classes usually meet somewhere between one and three times in a week for a few hours at night or on the weekends.
They can be held in all sorts of places, from learning annexes to local community colleges or even local public or private colleges.
As with the courses at the library, though, they do have some drawbacks.
Firstly, they are often set at specific times, so if you work, have kids, or other commitments, finding the time and/or transportation to get there could be difficult.
Since you will be in a class with many people, you are not necessarily able to learn at a pace that works best for you. You might either be bored with how slowly things go or have anxiety about not keeping up.
In addition, there is likely only one instructor for the entire class, which means you many not be able to get personal attention you need to ask questions and move forward.
Finally, while some of these classes are inexpensive, others are not, and they generally do not allow students to make payments or get a discount.
Online Courses
Online courses, such as those offered by Stratford Career Institute, are another way that someone interested in being able to learn more about their computer and how to operate it can receive such knowledge.
Unlike a class at the library or at a local school, for example, an online course does not require that you work at the pace set by anybody else. Rather, you can work at whatever pace seems best for you.
Another great thing is that when you study at home, you don’t have to move your schedule around. You can usually do the coursework from the comfort of your own home. You’re able to work on learning more about Microsoft Windows and your computer when and where it is most convenient to you.
Another great benefit of online classes is that you can simply email your instructors and expect a prompt response.
Financially speaking, they often cost less than a brick-and-mortar location and generally offer low down payments and monthly tuition payment options.
The best thing to do is consider your educational options and choose the one that works best for you.
What They Should Cover
An important question that you may have is what the class should cover, what knowledge it should impart in order to make sure that you know what you need to about your computer and the Microsoft Windows 10 operating system.
The course should teach you about the basic parts of the computer, from the central processing unit (CPU) and the motherboard to the hard drive, RAM, ROM, various input and output devices, and other components of the hardware of your computer. It should also teach you about various ports, such as HDMI ports and USB 2.0 and 3.0 ports.
When it comes to the Microsoft Windows 10 operating system, the course should teach you how to navigate the operating system (OS) and make the most out of what it can do for you. The course should cover the task bar, the action center, the ‘Windows’ key on your keyboard, and more. It should teach you about the difference between a left-click on the mouse, compared to the right-click, and even the double-click, and what each one will do in certain situations.
Even more important, a good course should teach you about utilizing Microsoft Edge, the newest iteration of Microsoft’s web browser, formerly known as Internet Explorer. Microsoft Edge is your window to the world of the internet, and pretty much every job that involves office work utilizes the internet today.
A good course will also make sure to teach you about things like defragmenting your hard drive, deleting files and programs that you’re not using, and installing new software on your computer and properly setting it up. These are important things to do in order to keep your computer (and Windows 10) working properly.
Ready to Take Your Computer Skills to the Next Level?
If you’re looking to better understand computers, don’t be afraid to invest in your own education, in a class that can help you to better navigate these devices. The important thing is that, whatever class or course you choose to take, you take one that can provide you all the information you need to have at least a decent understanding of how your computer works, and how best to utilize it to make your life simpler.
Enroll in Stratford Career Institute’s Computer Training classes today to get started.
Interested in Learning About Windows 10 and Computers?

Enroll in our Computer Training online course today!