Posted in Career Insights

Careers in Criminal JusticeThere are many jobs people commonly associated with criminal justice. A police officer or detective, paralegal, court reporter or corrections officer to name a few. But what about some of the lesser-known niches?

Let’s take a look at a few different, but just as interesting ways to serve the community through criminal justice.

Loss Prevention Specialist

Loss prevention specialist is a great option if you want to go into police work but would rather work for a private company.

The biggest duty is to prevent theft in a retail environment. Theft is such a big problem that many stores have their own security departments.

Some of the biggest threats of loss in a company come from their own employees. Stolen company information or goods for retail sale can be one of the biggest areas of loss for a company. A 2017 National Retail Federation study found 30% of shoplifting incidents are committed by employees. A loss prevention specialist helps spot threats like these early before damage is done.

Crime Victim Service Coordinator

A Crime Victim Service Coordinator supports victims and their families following violent crimes.

They give emotional support and also help with daily tasks, like appointment setting and legal arrangements. Crime victim service coordinators take care of victims and their families. This allows law enforcement to focus on solving the crime. Victim advocates help children in the court system when adult relatives are not available. They work with victims on a plan to stay safe, especially in cases involving domestic violence and abuse.

Customs Agents and Imports Specialists

Customs agents and imports specialists are a vital part of national security law enforcement.

They are experts in the laws and regulations on items brought into the US from other countries. One of their main job functions is to help value goods brought into the country. Sometimes agents even get involved in criminal investigations of international crime rings.

Document Examiner

Ever wonder who helps uncover cases of fraud and forgery? A document examiner works with the evidence presented at courts during a trial. They are essential to solving cases and work closely with judges and legal counsel. It takes an eye for detail and a criminal justice degree, but many documents examiners find work in police departments, courts, private law firms, and private companies.

Forensic Entomologist

Do you know law enforcement uses insects found in and around crime scenes to help their investigations? Police rely on forensic entomologists in all kinds of cases.

Not just those involving murder and death, but also chemicals and other poisons and drugs. For example, decomposing insect remains found in a stored product can help investigators. These remains can give insight into what happened at the time a crime took place.

Start Toward Your Career in Criminal Justice

Are you still asking, “what can I do with a criminal justice degree?” Stratford Career Institute offers an easy and convenient Criminal Justice distance learning course that can introduce you to the world of government, law enforcement, corrections, and criminal procedure.

Whether you want to start toward a career in criminal justice, refresh your knowledge, or learn something new, this course is a great place to start to learn more about this interesting career field.


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Explore a Career in Criminal Justice

Explore a Career in Criminal Justice

Start your career today at Stratford Career Institute.