Incarceration can uproot your life and your family’s life. You may wonder how you can find some semblance of peace and purpose in life.
One path is to further your education while serving your prison sentence. Benefits of prison education include recidivism deterrence, employment opportunities, and life improvement.
Enrolling in one of the courses offered by Stratford Career Institute may provide a pathway to new opportunities for you.
Recidivism Deterrence
Recidivism is the tendency of an incarcerated person to commit another crime. One of the benefits of education in prisons is its impact on recidivism.
In 2016, the United States Sentencing Commission found that during an eight-year period, almost half of federal incarcerated persons were rearrested after being released from prison, and nearly a quarter were re-incarcerated.
The RAND Corporation has noted the following statistics regarding the recidivism of formerly incarcerated persons and education:
- Incarcerated individuals who participated in education programs in prison had a 43% less chance of recidivism than incarcerated individuals who did not participate.
Regarding educational degrees, the United States Sentencing Commission found the following connection between recidivism and education:
- 60.4% recidivism for individuals with less than a high school diploma;
- 50.8% recidivism for individuals who graduated high school;
- 39.3% recidivism for individuals with some college education; and
- 19.1% recidivism for individuals who graduated college.
Thus, the more education one has, the less likely they are to commit another crime once released from prison. Breaking the cycle of incarceration is imperative to rebuilding your life and regaining your foothold in your community.
Employment Opportunities
Having an education opens the door to more employment opportunities. The RAND Corporation also found that formerly incarcerated individuals who took educational courses while in prison had a 13% higher chance of finding employment than incarcerated individuals who did not take educational courses in prison.
Taking Stratford’s courses may teach you essential skills that you can use to decide what educational path to follow or the job field to pursue. Taking courses in prison shows that you care about rebuilding your life and turning your post-prison life into something positive. This can say a lot about your character when you apply for a new job.
Life Improvement
Another success of education in prisons is personal development. Life in prison is challenging and can be demoralizing. You’re isolated from your loved ones and your community. It’s easy to become complacent. Education allows you to improve yourself and learn about what interests you. Having something to look forward to builds confidence and is a foundation for your future.
Education in prison does not just benefit you but also others. You can be a positive example to other people incarcerated with you. You can also show your family how you are trying to better yourself.
This may even influence them to continue or further their studies. This is especially important for the children in your family. If they see you taking educational courses, they may understand the importance of education and ensure they work hard at it.
How Do I Enroll in Courses at Stratford?
You can enroll in courses at Stratford online, by phone, or by mail. Enrollment is year-round. Anyone is eligible if they have completed at least eight years of school.
Once enrolled in a course, you will be given materials by mail or digitally. Your courses have periodic exams that must be successfully completed. Stratford Career Institute offers various courses, such as ones in the business, technology, legal, and medical fields.
Begin a New Chapter of Your Life
Stratford Career Institute was established in 1991 as a foundational school for various career fields. We offer introductory courses that may serve as the groundwork for you to move forward with your educational endeavors. They may also help you decide what career field interests you the most.
Learn more or enroll in one of our online courses today!
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