An electrician position is a job that requires a decent amount of knowledge and expertise, but the effort is worth it. If you focus and follow through, you can become an electrician.
So, how to become an electrician?
Graduate from High School or Obtain a GED
This is important. Graduating from high school or a GED help you to get into apprenticeships and trade schools since many require that you have a high school diploma or equivalent.
Precursory Training
An educational program that introduces you to the concepts and methods electricians use in daily work can be incredibly valuable. Through distance learning programs, you can go at your own pace and give yourself a solid base of understanding.
If you end goal is to become an electrician, you will need schooling and training above and beyond introductory courses, but those courses can put you on the right trajectory.
Attend Either a Trade School or a Vocational School
During school, you will learn several essential skills, including how to read blueprints, what electricity is, how electricity is transported, and how to properly and safely wire devices.
For some, taking classes online in fields like electrical engineering can be a better option than going to a local trade or vocational school.
Become an Apprentice
You will need to spend two to four years apprenticed to a licensed or master electrician. This requirement changes based on where you live.
During this time you will be learning on the job, assisting the licensed or master electrician.
The requirement to become a journeyman electrician is to work 2,000 hours per year for four years. The work must be hands-on training as an apprentice.
Many trade and vocational schools can help provide you with an apprenticeship or connect you to those who can give you one.
The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and similar groups can also help with providing an apprenticeship for hands-on work.
The military has jobs for those enlisting as electricians (job titles may vary by branch, ask about electrical work or engineer slots when speaking to a recruiter). They will also provide the formal training. Working in these job slots can count towards hours spent as an apprentice.
Become A Journeyman
Once you’ve met the local requirements for hours spent in apprenticeship, you can become a journeyman. Reaching this step takes about 6,000 to 8,000 hours of hands-on experience.
Licensing requirements and testing can vary from state to state. Study the applicable electrical code and take the required examination in your state or territory.
As a journeyman electrician, you will be able to do electrical work under the direction of a master electrician. Depending on your local laws, you may not be able to apply for permits as a journeyman, so be aware of laws impacting your work.
Enroll In an Introductory Course Today
This is a general path that can help you become an electrician. As you can see, it does take time, but the payoff is a great job that provides a meaningful product and a decent and steady paycheck.
To start your precursory training, consider taking the electrician course offered by the Stratford Learning Institute.
Enroll today!